Tuesday, July 07, 2015

The News From Nerf World

The AP story reads:
"The mother of a man who tried to launch a firework off the top of his head for July Fourth and was killed instantly said Monday she's advocating for stricter controls about who can use the explosives.

Devon Staples, 22, and his friends had been drinking and setting off fireworks Saturday night in a backyard in Staples' eastern Maine hometown, Calais, when the accident happened with a reloadable fireworks mortar tube, police have said."
Did you catch the sleight-of hand, there? The dude put the mortar on his head, lit it, and "the accident happened". What accident? The lighter worked, the mortar worked, it was sitting right where he wanted it. Every thing about the whole affair was as on purpose as it gets. Dude killed himself as surely as if he'd stepped in front of a train or suck-started a twelve gauge.

Lady, I'm sorry your kid was an idiot and paid for his idiocy with his life, but just because your kid thought he could breathe water is no reason to make the other kids get out of the pool. Normally I would not speak so to a grieving parent, but you are trying to use the force of law to inflict your grief on everybody else, and that is most uncool.